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Discovering Regression Therapy: A Love Story (5:04)

EARTh Association’s explanation on what exactly regression therapy is.

PART 1: WHAT ON EARTh IS REGRESSION THERAPY? Discovering what Regression Therapy is. "Regression is something that we do at any moment in time. Whenever you speak about something you have a reference to it, and that reference is a regressing... In my opinion regression therapy is important if we need to move forward in life.

Linda Backman on Dr. Oz (2:42)

Dr. Linda Backman discusses why some therapists use past life regression to help patients understand more about their current conditions. (Summary from 

Dr. Amen on Dr. Oz (3:19)

Dr. Daniel Amen describes how the emotional and memory centers in the brain appear to be activated during a regression analysis. (Summary from 

Marit Fisher (see more here)

Explaining regression therapy.

In this week's 5-minute seminar... What does a post-op eye doc visit have to do with spiritual regression therapy? You'll see. (Yes! A metaphor AND a pun? Brilliant!)

Describing the similarities between the work we do as souls between our lifetimes and regression therapy.

Did you know that what we do in Regression Therapy is exactly what we do in Spirit Realm when we review and heal from the life we just lived? Whether you find understanding here on Earth for this life - right here, right now - or you find it in Spirit Realm between this life and the next, you're going to find it.