Learn from the wisdom of your deepest self.


Between Lives Spiritual Regression (BLSR) is based on the innovative work of Michael Newton. This is an amazing process that can help you find answers to some of life’s deepest questions such as “Who am I?" and “Why am I here?".

In your Between Lives Spiritual Regression, I will gently guide you in releasing your focus on the everyday physical world to explore the spirit realms. In this profound experience, you will re-connect with your higher self and will discover answers to your current questions. I will move you through your last past life to access your inter-soul memories in the spirit realms where you will meet with Spirit guides, your Soul group, and your Masters or Elders. You will uncover some of the lessons behind both the challenges and joys in your current life. BLSR is an opportunity to explore relationships with significant people in your life and possible karmic links that may be currently playing out.

Each BLSR is a unique experience, guided by your higher Self, which will give whatever information is pertinent to you at this point in your life. It offers an opportunity to view your life from a more expansive perspective with the additional insights of your Soul’s multiple lifetimes. From this perspective life patterns, beliefs and biases that have molded your life so far can be recognized and released. 


A Two-Step Process


A Past Life Regression (PLR) session, approximately 2-3 hours, is the first of a two-step process. It is an essential requirement before a BLSR because of the higher frequency of the Spirit realms and the deep level of hypnosis depth that is required. A PLR session is needed to ensure any unresolved issues and blocks are cleared. While many current issues may be addressed in the BLSR, it is not therapy. It is a profound experience of coming home. The learnings and the positive experiences are the focus. Further PLR sessions can be booked to deal with specific issues of concern if requested. 



What are the benefits of experiencing a Between Lives Spiritual Regression?

  • Connect with your Spirit Guides.
  • Gain insight into your eternal self, your life purpose and your Soul’s current development.

  • Explore the contracts or agreements with people in your current life and the possible connections from your past lives.

  • Understand why you chose your family and your current body and how they are helping you fulfill your Soul’s purpose.

  • The fear of death will be forever altered as you experience the continuation of your lives and feel how you have never died.

  • Gain answers from your Elders from pre-prepared questions you have about your life.

  • Learn to be at peace with yourself, your life and your self-exploration.

  • Create more love, joy and laughter in your everyday life. 


Susan is as skilled as she is intuitive in her role as escort through the interlife. She is gentle to her core, and calmly provides a safe and loving space at her side and among her words to grant you access to your own deep and significant soul memories. What you learn in Between Lives Spiritual Regression is all and only yours to learn, and Susan asks all the right questions, drawing your attention to the details that are playing out before you, so that you can gain true understanding wherever it is to be found during your own spiritual process. She is your partner in this experience, and she is brilliant.
— Marit